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9781937541705 • 32pp • 6.625 × 10.25”

egirl is a 32 page full color magazine. It is envisioned as the first part of an ongoing series about Internet culture. The magazine will be printed via the offset printing process in editions of 2000. Published by 2dcloud.

"Masterfully documents our modern Helens of Troy, the e-girls who have launched a thousand simps, who pulled us into their orbit to become transfixed by their lives whether we like it of not." —Blassie

"Women, or rather, girls—this nebulous category that conjures both mystery and ubiquity—are online in the strangest of ways. The egirl, that modern version of the statue come to life, has a peculiar existence: half subject-half object. She dances for a camera, and perhaps also for you, but who really knows? She sells her image, but was she ever really there? Softly intoxicating, the egirl is the irony of the ecommunity. Does she even have a history? Yes, and no. Will her image endure? Again, yes and no. Whatever you do, stay pastel." —Nina Power (ONE DIMENSIONAL WOMAN, WHAT DO MEN WANT?)

What is the egirl? A print magazine puts it all in a timeline. Writing by internet culture reporter and amateur anthropologist Katherine Dee. Supported by sumptuous illustrations from Blaise Larmee, Kristina Tzekova, Bubbles, Raighne.

Issue #001 is an interactive timeline beginning in 1982. Minitel launches in France, where the seeds of cybersex and electronic romances are planted, and eventually blossom. We time travel, meeting early webcam girls like Jennicam, migrating to and away from Yahoo! Groups and LiveJournal communities and Tumblr and MySpace, finally, ending in 2024, when the $egirl token is launched and Hegelian E-girl Council is formed. Along the way, we encounter #GamerGate, and /r9k/, ASMR, cosplay, and TikTok, and meet characters like Bailey Jay, Belle Delphine, and "CLASSY" Fred Blassie.

Record details

Publishing, Internet, Culture
Release Date
3 December 2024
Catalog Number

egirl 001

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What is the egirl? A print magazine puts it all in a timeline. Writing by internet culture reporter and amateur anthropologist Katherine Dee. Supported by sumptuous illustrations from Blaise Larmee, Kristina Tzekova, Bubbles, Raighne.

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Limited run of 2000